Sunday, March 3, 2013


It's been quite some time since I have posted to this blog.  2012 was a year of substantial change for our family, so as I write this post, our family looks just a little bit different.  My husband and I chose to divorce this past year so the past 6 months have been a period of transition for our littlest ones.

Explaining divorce to a 4-year old and 6 year old was extremely difficult, and some days it still hasn't completely sunken in for them.  Despite their difficulties in understanding the concept fully, they have made the adjustment very well. Regardless of the obvious, this was a big year for the kids all around.  As they have gotten older, they have become even closer playmates.  As much as they enjoy fighting, they love each other like crazy!  I am so amazed at how much they have grown and how they are morphing in to their own little souls.

This year they made their first full week trip to the beach.  We all joined Aunt Megan, Uncle TJ, Gavin, Nanny and Grandpop in Outer Banks.  The kids had a blast.  There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing them interact with their grandparents. 

This year was also a year of accomplishments and events.  Caleb started karate this year and worked his way up quickly through three belts.  With the physical training, he has also found a crazy knack for break dancing and balancing on his head.  It's amazing to see his efforts pay off in such controlled physical strength.

Caleb also began kindergarten this year and has amazed me with him ability to now read "Green Eggs and Ham" to me in its entirety.  It was so difficult to watch him get on that huge school bus that first morning, but he absolutely loves going to school and is such the big guy on campus, especially with the ladies.  He has started to become more and more like me every day in regards to personality and his intensity.

Sydney continues to participate in gymnastics.  She is quite the little tumbler.  She is also the social butterfly of daycare and amuses me with hours worth of stories each week about the goings on of the day.  She continues to be so full of life and love, and can finally reach the light switches in the house.

Sydney has become my mini fashionista.  Her daily choice of attire leaves me struggling between forcing her to change clothes, and chuckling and encouraging her free spirit. 

Both of my babies have developed an extremely impressive ability to express themselves artistically.  One of my favorite things is to watch their imaginations unfold on paper in any medium they can get their hands on.  They are beautiful both inside and out and have truly been a sign of my blessings during a difficult year. 2013 has many new memories in store for our family.  Ball games, vacations, plays, plane tickets, and just the daily things that bring laughter.

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