This weekend my baby girl turned 3. I made a promise this year to write my children a letter to them every birthday. It's my way to share the story of their life for years to come and show them the joy they have brought to our lives.
Dear Sydney Grace,
March 18th was your birthday, and it is so hard to believe you are already 3! Daddy and I can still remember the shock and joy we had when we found out that you were coming. When we found out we were having a girl, Daddy looked a little shaken. I don't think he quite knew how he would handle a little girl, and he immediately had images of warding off all the boys lined up at the door asking to date his daughter. Boy, Daddy didn't realize how much you would have him wrapped around your little finger.
You have been preparing for this day for 3 months. You knew exactly what type of party you wanted and who you wanted to invite. We made cupcakes for daycare and dressed you up like a little princess. Mommy curled your hair, and you twirled in front of the mirror like our tiniest little diva.
I can't even begin to tell you what a beautiful spirit you care free and full of love. You love to give kisses and hugs, and are quite the little caretaker, whether its checking up on everyone's boo-boo's, or tending to your babies. Your laughter is intoxicating and you know how to work those big puppy dog eyes with everyone.
Over the past year we have so many memories. What follows is just a small list of the things that ARE Sydney Grace Roth!
You LOVE condiments. You insist on ketchup with everything...even raspberries! YUCK!
You are a leftie. As much as Daddy denied it, you are a south paw, but already hold your pencil so well. You color with such concentration, and do very well at drawing faces and bodies which is advanced for your age.
You are petite but love to show us how you are "stronger" and how big you are getting.
When Mommy or Daddy discipline you, you are just heartbroken. It's like you hate to disappoint us. You have a heart of gold..the most forgiving eyes I have ever seen. You love with everything you have!
You've got rhythm. I am amazed at how you move to music, just a natural! You've also become quite the little gymnast in only six months of classes.
You only sing when you think no one is listening. You must get THAT from Mommy, but it's a shame because you have such a pretty voice.
Although you guys love to fight, you look up to your big brother so much. You've even started to mimic his tantrum tactics!
Your funniest habit is playing with tags. You play with the tag on the back of your pants to fall asleep. We have to place your blankets in a way that puts the tag within your reach. You even play with the tags on your babies' clothes.
You have such a bright and beautiful imagination. I'm amazed at how you can play alone for hours, and I smile just listen to your little voice creating your own stories in your own world. Your little world is always filled with such kindness.
Sydney my love, I could type on for hours about all the wonderful things you have brought into our life and how much you have taught me. I wish some days that I could keep you in this spot forever, but also look forward to watching you grow and evolve into a beautiful woman some day.
Daddy and I love you with all of our hearts!